Tag Archive for: RETS PRO Plugin

WordPress Real Estate Plugin – Coming in April – New 4.0.5

Now that the new version is going through its final testing we are excited to mention some of the newest features coming in this new version.

  1. RETS Module – Added a NEW Multi-RETS Option to handle Duplicate Removal.

    Select preferred RETS-ID  – Next –  Select RETS-Field(typically address)  –  SET[]checkbox   [Run Now Button]
    [text box here shows your cron path to execute]

    So that way anyone with neighboring RETS providers i.e. Miami/Ft.Lauderdale where the same listings are in both mls they can now have an easy option to match anything i.e “address” and select their preferred RETS-id to keep and delete all others. Our RETS Module has a couple of other NEW items we are keeping under wraps until we get them done but they are regarding how to deal with Sold Data in a way that I know every developer out there will want to take advantage of. (another RETS PRO exclusive).

  2. We have some great changes coming with our Search Form builder that will take a video to cover all of it.
    1. Fixed search form to now “instant-load” so that only the html is loaded and none of the values are called until on-click of that box.
    2. Also added custom message box that you can also include html etc for your own custom 404-not-found message/template.
    3.  Added in new option to join multiple fields into single pipe|value|values|  will = single Caption name (needed when doing multi-rets).
    4. Added a new option to Set Custom Submit Button settings – Great for setting default sortby options as well as now being able to Select RETS-id as well so that if you wanted to select the jquery tabs for displaying Active/Sold or Residential/Land or RETS#1/RETS#2 then you will ALSO be able to SET the SUBMIT BUTTON settings to select which RETS-ID as well as other button options.  BOOM! #1 Search form builder out there!
  3. Maps Module has some new features – Set a default Property Type and min-price – Cleaned up interface as well.
  4. GeoCoder modules with new google Api links and Api key checker as well as Cleaned up the interface.
  5. Fixed broken Print Friendly template path.
  6. Fixed broken RSS in shortcode templates
  7. Added and fixed New Pagination {tag} – add pagination any place you want now within shortcode templates.
  8. Fixed php 7.1x compatibility issues.
  9. Fixed subdirectory installation path issues that were due toMikes lazy code written by .
  10. New – Added  {logged_in}{/logged_in} check tags so that you can now wrap them around anything in our templates to hide unless logged in and we also have them as conditionals so that you can SHOW something else unless logged in – CTA – Unlimited!
  11. New – listing fields editor option that allows you to select ANY field(s) to be hidden unless user logged in – CTA/VOW – Unlimited!
  12. New – Added new Show Current Count for Search Page
  13. New – Added  UI panel for Registration options that also include Social registration options via your api-keys.
  14. New – Forced Registration UI panel with a limited set of options but is now part of our core plugin.

So all of that is where we are and what we are testing – anything missing?  um ..yeah!  – Favorite listings and Saved Search alerts!
That’s all coming and I’ll be following up with a new promo video of what all we’ve reworked and new features as well.

WordPress Real Estate Plugin | Multi RETS Data Merge | Multi Office

Multi RETS Data Merge | Multi Office

This is a RE/MAX Multi RETS Data Merge, Multi Office site that we are currently building out with our WordPress Real Estate Plugin. Beautiful, large scale photos are just one of the highlights of the site. The RE/MAX  Sea to Sky franchise is out of the Vancouver, Canada area with 3 office locations including one in the stunning ski resort area of Whistler, BC. The broker has a vibrant and long standing blog that we will incorporate into her main site / landing page and then break the site down into three distinctive sites per office location, along with distinctive Agent Rosters, Featured Listings, Area Information, and other pertinent details. The main site will also include the capability of searching for property throughout all three markets with a single data base merge.

This is being built on the WordPress MU frame so that the broker can offer all of her agents their own distinct websites using the integrated RETS data via subdomains or the agent template site can be copied onto an agent’s own independent domain. Our WordPress Real Estate Plugin allows data to be pushed to any site via the broker’s RETS credentials. This is a great marketing tool for brokers and agents. All of this is available using our Developer License with Broker Build Out. 

WordPress Real Estate Plugin | Multi RETS Data Merge

Multi RETS Data Merge | 5 Major Markets

This project has been a real test for our WordPress Real Estate Plugin and our Multi Rets Data Merge capabilities. We’re calling it “the Mother of All Data Feed Projects.” Several month’s ago, this client approached us with a request for a site build-out that merged 5 major market RETS feeds across Texas into a single database. In addition, they wanted to incorporate some slick statistical information for communities, neighborhoods, areas of interest and more. They also wanted to incorporate sold data, which is only available from a couple of the RETS providers. They are a unique brokerage who obviously handles transactions statewide. They have agents statewide working from virtual offices so they needed WordPress MU capabilities as well along with Agent Site Templates so their agents can have their own sites with all of the aforementioned features. And to top it all off, they were looking for an alternative to a Real Estate Webmasters site they had seen (plus the merged data feed and other extras) for a price they could actually afford.

We’re not going to lie, it’s been a bear. A long haul…several months to be exact, a bit stressful, some high emotions, and a ridiculous amount of coffee. In order for this site to run smoothly and efficiently, it had to be built on our 4x version…which was still under development so the project took much longer than it would have if our 4x version had already been complete. It has now been about 5 months since we received their RETS credentials from all of the markets and we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. 4x is almost out of beta. Data feeds are merged. Statistical data can be displayed using polygon map draw tools and our customized shortcode. Programmers are tweaking the customized map search and we are looking forward to a final punch list soon. We’re anxious to see the final project and looking forward to showing off some of the exciting new, custom features.

BRAND NEW 4X beta released!

After nearly (6) straight months of rewriting and testing we think we have something special to show you!
NOTE** = This beta version is currently only available to our developers license owners =
What are the key differences between 3x and 4x?
Here’s a quick list of “main points”:
  • Brand New admin UI – future proofing ourselves for the next 4+ years.
  • Brand New Multi-RETS Solution – Now you can import/export all of your RETS and can even join multiple RETS into single data base now – while still maintaining their own custom image settings/paths – and YES you can still hot-link images as well!
  • Brand New Search Form Builder – We took a bootstrap 12 column grid-stack and made you a custom drag/drop/size option to make building custom responsive “Advanced Search Forms” a snap using Select2 w/bootstrap3 forms that now includes autosuggest text boxes and ajax loaded selects and multi-selects.
  • Brand New Auto Suggest builder – Now you can easily configure your own custom Auto Suggest box on your home page (watch our new video – pending).
  • Brand New Stats Options for the Short Code Builder for creating Area stats that can even be applied to the polygon drawn areas  (watch our new video – pending).
  • Brand New Listing Alerts Beta – Will be released with first stable 4x version (about a week away – watch our new video – pending).

What to expect with the beta release?

  1. Not much in the way of documentation >YET<  as this is the very first “beta release” – but – those of you who want to check out our https://youtube.com/retspro channel will be able to get up to speed fairly quick.  –   We are currently working on a New [in-line tool (?) tips] that are going to popup every place needed in the UI to either provide “basic info” or “embedded samples” or “direct links either to a FAQ or to the video” for technical items that require more details.
  2. Possible cosmetic CSS/HTML or “possible” minor bugs that we are already flushing out.  Any bugs currently within this release are going to be minor, nothing is currently preventing us from using the plugin to build out our projects so we felt its time to share.

If you are currently using 3x then Do Not Overwrite it with this 4x Version!

How to test and what needs to be tested?:

We would like all of our developers who are “real” developer/programmers to download and install the plugin according to the Install/Setup video below.

  1. First is the new Multi-RETS – check out new tab-1 settings and options to pre-set the mapping box (i’ll post video here later)
  2. Check out new image options are now in tab-2 for downloading or hot linking (i’ll post video here later)
  3. Check out new tab-3 option – ONLY OPEN 1st RESI property class – then spend the time to do 100% of your your fields you want and set the rest to trash etc and get everything to successfully SAVE. – THEN – open another property class and you will discover that all the trash fields are already gone and all the matched fields that were already mapped are now mapped for you in the new property class as well.
  4. NEXT – we need you to try out the new Search Form Builder – We know we have a few ideas left to apply to that but we would LOVE some good feedback on it as well so we can wrap up any request prior to next weeks first release.
  5. For those of you who have already have a great deal of experience with our 3x will not ever want to go back to it after this – so go ahead and test everything out and you will find that the overall time to setup and do a project has just been cut by more than half with this new version –
  6. Also – New stats shortcode in this version and NEW auto suggest builder and New Listing alerts is currently being beta tested and should be ready for next weeks first stable 4x release.

New 4x version coming soon!

New 4x version coming soon!

If you already have a Developers License with us GREAT! – then your investment is now going to be worth 3k! (was only $199 in 2007)

As we get ready to release the New 4x Beta, I’d like to go ahead and let everyone know about some important New License changes coming with this release.

As many of you may already know that when we started with our first commercial 2x version in 2007 it was encrypted and contained a license key.  When we released the 3x version in 2011, we removed all encryption and all license key requirements completely from all of our products.

Now that we are getting ready to release the New 4x version we have decided to create (2) ways to buy it:

  1. Developers License $2999 (non-branded – non-encrypted & bundled with current and future modules/products included).
  2. Basic-Version $499 (Branded – Encrypted and includes (2) domain licenses – core plugin and RETS module only)

We will begin selling the 4x Developers Licensed bundled version now starting at $2,999  – and the developers license price will go higher by end of 2017.

In addition to changes to the 4x versions developers license, we’ll also start offering a new branded, (2) single-site-licensed, base-version (plugin and the RETS module for only for $499). That will allow small firms to get up and running with up to (2) licensed domains included w/purchase so that the developer can set up at least 1-dev-test site and up to 1 more site. But please note – this version will be domain locked, core obfuscated/encrypted and branded via html markup code.
Note*  You will be able to purchase additional site licenses keys, as needed, for only 299 each.
Note** No other modules are included with the 499 purchase.

Module Sales –

All add-on Module purchases are going to work with all of your installations without any type of license keys required for them to function – So pay once for any Module of your choice an use it on as many projects as you want to – period.


Anyone who wishes to just stick with the current 3x version should know that we will continue to only provide fixes over the next 2 years as needed but there will not be any new features added once the 4x version is released.

Anyone wanting to upgrade from the 3x to the new 4x version will only need to deactivate current 3x FTP in and drop in 4x version – activate – enter key (if one is needed) – and done. That’s all that will be needed. So, no need to worry about backwards compatibility as all of that will be already built into the new 4x since we are using the same db tables and only adding in a few new ones.

This is our FINAL NOTICE – Once we make the 4x release all pricing will be changing – Anyone who is considering purchasing the Developers license should do so before the price more than doubles – We can easily claim that the 4x version will easily be the winner of the 2017 Best WordPress Real Estate Plugin! So if you’re into saving money then now is the last chance to get our Developers Licence at the current price of only $1299.

IDX Broker Alternatives WordPress Real Estate Plugin

IDX Broker Alternatives

IDX Broker alternatives for their WordPress Real Estate Plugin has plenty of competition, and has many comparable options to our own RETS PRO solution.
I’ll try my best to make a simple key comparison list of what we consider to be pros and cons versus our own WordPress Real Estate Plugin .

Main Obvious PROS:

  1. Price – Upfront cost is typically a few hundred dollars to get everything all setup and running.
  2. Setup – They’re going to be about 50% faster to get your site up and running the way you want it.
  3. Options – They’re going to have a few more options than we currently have – primarily CRM…but at additional cost.
  4. They manage the data and the changes to the RETS feed.
  5. Having someone hold your hand – that’s what your never ending monthly fees will cover for you.

But now for the CONS:

  1. Price – though cheaper up front, you will have spent way more with them after 1+Years than you would have with “our solution” and if you have more than (1) website then its NOT worth it to go with them.
  2. SEO – although they claim this and that – their data is NOT on your website and neither is the url + you can NOT do proper micro-data on your own key fields using schema.org. (what is micro-data Schema.org? never heard of it? ever heard of Real Estate Webmasters? They use micro data and so do we!) You also can’t create dynamic content using IDXB – SO – if SEO is important to you as it is to us then this alone would prevent us from using their solution. We have more SEO features/options than any other solution-period!
  3. Owning your data and having it reside in YOUR website without any monthly fees – not an option with them.
  4. Complete customization – If having someone tell you “NO” we can’t do that or “NO” that’s not an option means anything at all to you then just stop right now!  Aside from the  SEO limitations, the #1 complaint we hear is the limitations on maximizing your own creativity.

I could go on and on but I think its only important for me to point out the main differences. Trust me on this part, if you called me and told me you were doing only one website for a customer and you just wanted to get-in and get-out and get paid to put up a realtor site. Then I would highly recommend them over any other solution – BUT – if you told me that SEO and doing custom website options with the possibility of doing more than (1) website then I’d have to recommend our solution.

Looking for other IDX BROKER Alternatives? Join us in the forums for some lively debates with other developers that have previous experience with them.

RETS PRO Hosting Servers For WordPress Real Estate Sites

Over the last few months we’ve been busy running promotionals and in the process we’ve added a lot of new host clients on our servers, but growing our hosting side of the business means that there was some additional work needing to get done.

Now that we are the primary hosting for our clients I thought I’d dive into some server security hardening over the weekend via mod_security tools and settings. The first thing I always do is slap in my http://www.projecthoneypot.org/home.php – api key and then turn on and configure (tweak) the process settings of some of the other tools/options – then when your done a simple restart of your httpd – DONE.

I mention all of this so that anyone else doing their own VPS should know some basics of running a non-managed server so I thought I’d add some MUST:

  1. First thing is to recompile apache with all of the proper server hosting requirements.
  2. Next to do is to install and configure a firewall – I use this one http://www.configserver.com/ (along with 3 of their other items as well).
  3. Next login and modify the server php.ini AND my.cnf file.
  4. Configure server backups for daily,weekly,monthly.
  5. Next thing I do is to log in to servers root CRON and I add in the ability to delete all domains+backups error+debug logs every night. (if you don’t do this then customers sites will grow MASSIVE log files that they don’t even know about that ultimately waste valuable server space. )
  6. Finally login and configure the mod_security tools and settings and be sure to add in your honeypot api.

That’s the “basics” of what’s needed to properly setup your own server or VPS – SO – unless you know what the freak you’re doing you really should let someone else handle it for you or pay for a “Managed” server or vps until you’re a DIY IT pro.

If you’d like to hire us to do your Server or VPS setup for you we charge 100 dollars to do the whole process and we only do Cpanel setups and installs.

Anyone needing the cheapest VPS Cpanel License here is the place to buy it and the code to enter so that you can get it for only 13 dollars per month.

Promo Codes:
whtbcp30” for dedicated cPanel license, only $30.95!
                        — or —
whtvps13” for VPS cPanel license, only $13.00!

And as per my usual here is my own SEO efforts WordPress Real Estate Plugin for building WordPress Real Estate Sites.

RETS PRO Coupons, Discounts, PROMO Codes

RETS PRO Coupons, Discounts and Promo Codesimages

From time to time RETS PRO will offer various types of discounts on software or combo deals. Whenever we have any discounts, the information will always be located on our Pricing page.

If you have any questions or suggestions please contact RETS PRO via our contact page or phone# (888) 540-9666

And as always we are here to make sure that the 2016 Best WordPress Real Estate Plugin is still called RETS PRO in 2017 – so join us in the forums for even more free how-to’s.

RETSPRO version 3.0.4 update

RETS PRO version 3.0.4 update:

We have posted a short list of items in our forums that we are working on completing for this next release scheduled for later next week.

We have been extremely busy  working with our developers and listening to our customers to make sure that the 2015 Best WordPress Real Estate Plugin 2016 is called “RETS PRO“. RETS PRO also wants to make sure that we will remain the 2016 best real estate plugin so we’ve recently begun talks to seek a partnership so that we can complete even  more new features!






RETS PRO will be updating the wiki this weekend so that we can go ahead and start modifying everything from the old 2x version to the newer 3x.

RETS PRO is looking for volunteers to assist with the online documentation conversion and so anyone who is interested should please contact us – I will post this again in the RETS PRO forums as well incase anyone missed this post.

Anyone looking to become a volunteer forums “Moderator” should also speak up! We would love to have someone keeping another set of eyes on the forums.

RETS PRO wiki – This is going to take longer to learn the wiki code than it will to do the conversion, but it has to get done so it looks like a fun weekend coming up.

Also setting up svn access again, so for those that want this let me know….I’ll be writing a more in-depth post about the svn soon for those that don’t know what it is our how to use it.

Anyone having any suggestions for the site and or plugin please let us know via email, ticket, or in the forums so that we can make improvements that matter for everyone. I will be adding a few more videos sometime next week showing the latest features so please remember to visit our official RETS PRO youtube channel every few weeks to catch up on our latest how-to videos.

Well thats it for this post…
