RETS PRO will be updating the wiki this weekend so that we can go ahead and start modifying everything from the old 2x version to the newer 3x.

RETS PRO is looking for volunteers to assist with the online documentation conversion and so anyone who is interested should please contact us – I will post this again in the RETS PRO forums as well incase anyone missed this post.

Anyone looking to become a volunteer forums “Moderator” should also speak up! We would love to have someone keeping another set of eyes on the forums.

RETS PRO wiki – This is going to take longer to learn the wiki code than it will to do the conversion, but it has to get done so it looks like a fun weekend coming up.

Also setting up svn access again, so for those that want this let me know….I’ll be writing a more in-depth post about the svn soon for those that don’t know what it is our how to use it.

Anyone having any suggestions for the site and or plugin please let us know via email, ticket, or in the forums so that we can make improvements that matter for everyone. I will be adding a few more videos sometime next week showing the latest features so please remember to visit our official RETS PRO youtube channel every few weeks to catch up on our latest how-to videos.

Well thats it for this post…
