BRAND NEW 4X beta released!

After nearly (6) straight months of rewriting and testing we think we have something special to show you!
NOTE** = This beta version is currently only available to our developers license owners =
What are the key differences between 3x and 4x?
Here’s a quick list of “main points”:
  • Brand New admin UI – future proofing ourselves for the next 4+ years.
  • Brand New Multi-RETS Solution – Now you can import/export all of your RETS and can even join multiple RETS into single data base now – while still maintaining their own custom image settings/paths – and YES you can still hot-link images as well!
  • Brand New Search Form Builder – We took a bootstrap 12 column grid-stack and made you a custom drag/drop/size option to make building custom responsive “Advanced Search Forms” a snap using Select2 w/bootstrap3 forms that now includes autosuggest text boxes and ajax loaded selects and multi-selects.
  • Brand New Auto Suggest builder – Now you can easily configure your own custom Auto Suggest box on your home page (watch our new video – pending).
  • Brand New Stats Options for the Short Code Builder for creating Area stats that can even be applied to the polygon drawn areas  (watch our new video – pending).
  • Brand New Listing Alerts Beta – Will be released with first stable 4x version (about a week away – watch our new video – pending).

What to expect with the beta release?

  1. Not much in the way of documentation >YET<  as this is the very first “beta release” – but – those of you who want to check out our channel will be able to get up to speed fairly quick.  –   We are currently working on a New [in-line tool (?) tips] that are going to popup every place needed in the UI to either provide “basic info” or “embedded samples” or “direct links either to a FAQ or to the video” for technical items that require more details.
  2. Possible cosmetic CSS/HTML or “possible” minor bugs that we are already flushing out.  Any bugs currently within this release are going to be minor, nothing is currently preventing us from using the plugin to build out our projects so we felt its time to share.

If you are currently using 3x then Do Not Overwrite it with this 4x Version!

How to test and what needs to be tested?:

We would like all of our developers who are “real” developer/programmers to download and install the plugin according to the Install/Setup video below.

  1. First is the new Multi-RETS – check out new tab-1 settings and options to pre-set the mapping box (i’ll post video here later)
  2. Check out new image options are now in tab-2 for downloading or hot linking (i’ll post video here later)
  3. Check out new tab-3 option – ONLY OPEN 1st RESI property class – then spend the time to do 100% of your your fields you want and set the rest to trash etc and get everything to successfully SAVE. – THEN – open another property class and you will discover that all the trash fields are already gone and all the matched fields that were already mapped are now mapped for you in the new property class as well.
  4. NEXT – we need you to try out the new Search Form Builder – We know we have a few ideas left to apply to that but we would LOVE some good feedback on it as well so we can wrap up any request prior to next weeks first release.
  5. For those of you who have already have a great deal of experience with our 3x will not ever want to go back to it after this – so go ahead and test everything out and you will find that the overall time to setup and do a project has just been cut by more than half with this new version –
  6. Also – New stats shortcode in this version and NEW auto suggest builder and New Listing alerts is currently being beta tested and should be ready for next weeks first stable 4x release.