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Guest nichojr

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Guest nichojr

I'm about 3 weeks into my WPRealty project. Previously I was framing an IDX from another vendor. I think I had somewhere around 35 pages indexed by Google. As of a few minutes ago, 3 weeks into this, I have a little more than 2600 pages indexed. For the months of August - December of 2010, I had a total... I REPEAT.. TOTAL of 1794 unique visitors. Right now...3 weeks into my WPRealty project and being realistic that I still have a long way to go to get it to where I want to be... I have so far had 1701 unique visitors. Just to break that down...


I was averaging 358 unique visitors a month before and in less than 3 weeks have received 4.75x that number.


There is still a lot of tweaking to do for my site and things that I will be doing to make the numbers even better, but you can't argue with the results so far.



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Guest Mrdecosta
I'm about 3 weeks into my WPRealty project. Previously I was framing an IDX from another vendor. I think I had somewhere around 35 pages indexed by Google. As of a few minutes ago, 3 weeks into this, I have a little more than 2600 pages indexed. For the months of August - December of 2010, I had a total... I REPEAT.. TOTAL of 1794 unique visitors. Right now...3 weeks into my WPRealty project and being realistic that I still have a long way to go to get it to where I want to be... I have so far had 1701 unique visitors. Just to break that down...


I was averaging 358 unique visitors a month before and in less than 3 weeks have received 4.75x that number.


There is still a lot of tweaking to do for my site and things that I will be doing to make the numbers even better, but you can't argue with the results so far.



I have used it and it is one of the best thing for businessman that really wants visitors on there site .

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Gerry22

Unfortunately!!!! I don't understand what are you talking about Results so far. Plz give me more detail than i am able to give some answer.. thnx

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