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homesinpa last won the day on February 20 2018

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  1. I know - I tried. I have the Turbo one. Have 2-3 other clients on it too. You can chose the base one and upgrade from there. A good add-on is the railgun once you're live. That's a great tool. And if you get serious traffic, you can add on the performance bump too. We are working with them to get the memcached component working but that's been a plugin issue we're trying to resolve. Actually have their support working with us on it - very good team over there. Once that's done, I can share results with you in case you're interested in the future (that's the last think to worry about for your site). Hope that helps. Dave
  2. Thanks for thinking of us as a referral Fran. Sorry for not hitting ya back sooner - battling a cold. Ugh. Personal msg didn't work when I tried to send to ya. So replying here. Our link should work: http://www.a2hosting.com/refer/85764 If you sign up, I can always call them later and let them know. It should work for ya. I think they code it in the backend for the order. So if you completed an order, thanks! They are a great group too. Can call them anytime with an issue and they're on it. Dave
  3. You're welcome. Yeah, we tried them too... siteground that is. Good host overall for basic WP sites. Just not as flexible. If you sign up for the basic A2 shared and add a few speed items, you wont be disappointed. We have used dedicated and their higher end version. Need tech support - just call them. They are GREAT. Based in Michigan (anne arbor = A2). I asked :)
  4. I believe they're currently offering different versions of RetsPro + hosting for a solid price. May have to ask about current offers for that as they vary monthly. As a third party host, we've used Amazon (no cpanel and more tech intensive) and currently use A2HOSTING (great options for shared hosting). Feel free to follow our link to give us credit... but there are other good ones out there too. http://www.a2hosting.com/refer/85764 Dave
  5. Yeah, not a fan of them either (for this type of site) because they limit certain types of caching, etc. Love their model BUT they control too much for a system like this from what I've discovered.
  6. I know there are new plan options with RetsPro (includes hosting for some plans) for the first year. This would definately get you going. We use Amazon and that's not common for most developers since they don't support native cpanel (a must for many). There is also a good script (can find here on the forums) for cleanup of the photo db. There are many others with similar database requirements as yours that could get you closer to the answer you need, but hope that helps. Dave
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